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Frequently Asked Questions

There is so much to tell about these wonderful dogs that any FAQ list is bound to be incomplete. Based on the questions we have been asked, however, if you are considering a Tibetan Terrier, you might be interested in the following. (Click on any question to jump down to the answer.)

Black-and-white Tibetan Terrierl lying on a pebble pathBlack-and-white Tibetan Terrier puppy sitting on a red oriental rug with geometric designMostly white Tibetan Terrier lying on grass behind a ball

  • What kind of personality do Tibetan Terriers generally have?
    They are very people-oriented, cheerful, and happy. They maintain their puppy spirit throughout their lives.
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  • Are there any behavioral differences between males and females?
    We recommend males for families with younger children because males tend to be more affectionate and easier to train since they are more food-motivated. Females tend to be more independent and less food-motivated.
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  • Are Tibetan Terriers "yappy" dogs?
    No, they are not “yappy,” indiscriminate barkers. They will bark if they see or hear something new to alert you.
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  • Are Tibetan Terriers good with children?
    They are good with children that are respectful. Like many dogs, when Tibetan Terriers are puppies, they are lively and playful, and they may be challenging for children under 7 years of age.
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  • How do Tibetan Terriers react to strangers?
    They are very family oriented, but they may be aloof or indifferent to strangers.
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  • What colors are Tibetan Terriers?
    They come in a wide variety of colors: black, white, gray, sable, and combinations of these are all common. Tibetan Terriers change colors as they mature, so what they look like as puppies is not necessarily what they will be when they are a year or two old. This happens not so much with black and white, but red and brown are especially likely to change. So don’t fall in love with a particular color!
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  • How much do adult Tibetan Terriers typically weigh?
    In general, adult females weigh 18-22 pounds, and adult males weigh 25-30 pounds.
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  • Do Tibetan Terriers shed?
    Technically, yes, but it is minimal. They lose their hair—it is not fur—like people lose hair, not by shedding all over the house. Sometime during the first year, Tibetan Terriers grow their undercoat. During this process, they might shed some; however, people who keep their dog’s hair fairly short might not even notice.
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  • Are Tibetan Terriers hypoallergenic?
    Because they have hair (not fur), and because they do not shed the way many dogs shed, people who are allergic to dogs usually do not have problems with Tibetan Terriers.
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  • How much grooming do Tibetan Terriers require?
    Most owners keep their Tibetan Terriers in what is called “a puppy cut,” a style in which the hair over the eyes is trimmed short and the body hair is to a shorter length like a puppy. This style is easy to maintain with occasional brushing and periodic trips to be groomed.
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  • How hard is it to house-train Tibetan Terriers?
    They are not difficult to house train if the owner is organized and consistent. You must follow a schedule and pay close attention. They can make a lot of progress by 4 months of age.
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  • How do Tibetan Terriers do with obedience training?
    They do well with standard obedience training in the home environment, especially with food-based training, but become easily bored with the higher levels of repetitive obedience training required for the show ring. They are quick to pick up on inconsistencies, so be consistent and keep it interesting.

  • How active are Tibetan Terriers? In other words, how much exercise do they need every day?
    They are very adaptable in terms of exercise; however, puppies need exercise every day. Mature Tibetan Terriers will be happy with a mile walk a day or with several miles a day. They always enjoy as much activity as you can give them, but it is not an absolute requirement on a daily basis. The older they are, the less exercise they need.
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  • Do Tibetan Terriers make good pets for people living in condos or apartments?
    They do fine as long as people are willing to make a daily commitment to get them outside for a bit of exercise several times a day.
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  • Do Tibetan Terriers get along with cats and other house pets?
    Generally, if they are raised with other pets there are no problems.
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  • Do Tibetan Terriers like to ride in cars?
    For the most part, they love traveling in cars and will be eager to accompany you anywhere.
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  • How well do Tibetan Terriers cope with very hot and very cold weather?
    They do better than most breeds in the heat, but you need to be cautious with any dog in hot weather. They thrive in cold weather and love snow.
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  • Do Tibetan Terriers like to swim and play in water?
    Generally, no. However, every once in a while you’ll hear about a Tibetan Terrier that loves to jump in the pool.
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  • Are Tibetan Terriers likely to develop any particular physical ailments or diseases?
    They are generally very healthy and hearty dogs and have very few problems, but like any dog—mixed or pure breed—some can have hip or eye problems.
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  • What is the best thing about owning a Tibetan Terrier?
    There are many wonderful things about having a Tibetan Terrier as part of your family, but these words from one owner of a Domani Tibetan Terrier give one perspective: “This treasured dog has brought to our family tremendous love, companionship, and joy in the form of the cutest, fluffiest, and sweetest dog imaginable!”
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